Growing Berries & Fruits

Growing berries and fruits in the home garden is easy and rewarding. If you do not have bushes or trees, you will want to choose the varieties that you like, prepare the soil to meet the growing needs and plant.

Before planting the bushes check the soil needs. Some varieties need acidic soil, so plan ahead about 6 months and add granular sulfur, leaves, (not maple or beech), and manure or grass clippings to the soil. Check the acidic conditions a couple times of year. Most will grow in any well-drained soil and will do best in a wind-protected area where they will not dry out.

Proper maintenance will help insure a good crop for the gardening season. Pruning, spraying and fertilization will ensure a good crop. Apples and peaches are the most usual ones to prune. Other trees usually do not need prunes. Organic sprays or other orchard sprays should be used for insect control to prevent crop damage.

For the home gardener, dwarf or semi-dwarf trees work well and they will produce earlier than the standard trees. It will take a few years before they start bearing well, but it is well worth the wait.

A bountiful havest from the garden will insure enough to use fresh, frozen, canned and in pies, jellies and jams. Make room for them in your home garden.

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Growing Berries & Fruits